Wednesday 24 March 2010

Up near Deathnal Green.

Since its a week of shout outs. Peep game. Youre looking at the logo of my friends clothing shop Wholesome. Its run by 2 dudes I used to work with Kyle & Kyle, they're cool as fuck, pop down and see them and get some new garms.

They're located at -


Killer tats bro!

This is my homie Fudges' work, hes a real close friend and I'd do anything for this motherfucker. I first got tattooed by him when I was afew months into my apprenticeship and I get tattooed by him nearly every fucking week now ha.
Hes based at Ian Flowers shop New Skool Tattoo in Ewell Village, go visit him, or any of the other amazing people that work there.

Myspace here

So you're like Yoji off of Miami Ink? Hurrr Hurrr.

This is probably the worst picture in the world to follow up my last entry with. I did this tattoo on a girl last month, it was her first one and she sat like a champ. More importantly, Bowery Stan told me it was very nice, not in person of course, but via the internets. It made my year already.

Thanks Stan!

Stan made a mini doc with Intenze, watch it, its great.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Look at my fucking balls.

Every now and again I see a tattoo that really inspires me, this thing right here is fucking outstanding. Been a big fan of Thomas' work for along time. The picture speaks for itself.

Thursday 18 March 2010

What the fuck was I thinking.

I saw this the otherday, its a little something I did for an overseas friend around 2007, its cool to look back at old work sometimes, I barely remember doing this. I cant even remember what I had for dinner tonight.

Its the one on the right, but you already knew that.


I'm back, nothing exciting happened between the last post and now really... My hair and beard just got a little longer and I ate lots of pizza. Ill get to updating this blog on the regular soon. Here is some nice tits for now.